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“I want to build a backyard suite, what is it that I need to know?”

To build a backyard suite, you must understand the fundamental concept of the suite; that it is a small house. Therefore, to explain everything into one blog would be overwhelming nor comprehensive. Instead, this topic will become a sort of series where each subtitle would be considered another chapter or stage in the discussion. This way, items can be explained into much greater detail, creating more room open for you can ask me questions.

In the next coming weeks, I will be focusing on the following topics:

·       Mindset – Learning to understand where to focus your attention on this project. There can be a lot of obstacles that can distract us from achieving our goal or mislead us away from our original intentions. Having the right mindset will keep us on track.

·       Real Estate – Knowing your property is vital when it comes to development. Items such as zoning, having the right documentation such as a certificate of title, or a site plan can determine the outcome of your project. Here we look at the potential of your project within the parameters of your property or to help you find the right property that will meet your needs.

·       Budget – Setting up a budget puts your backyard suite project within a reality. I will not give away exact figures but instead lend basic formulas that can put you in the ballpark to either proceed forward or pause until the right opportunity. Planning a reasonable timeline will help us with our budget. Backyard suites are projected to be completed within 9 – 12 months from the initial design to the construction completion.

·       Designing Your Suite – Designing your suite is left up to your imagination, but I will give you code regulations that will affect your overall design. If you are not good at design work, it is best to hire a professional.

·       Applying for Development Permit – There are lots of items within this topic that I feel we need to break into multiple chapters. Because we need to discuss bylaw requirements, designing your site layout, followed by the overall development permit process.

·       How to Setup Your Services – Your suite may require to have its electrical meter separated from the main house or another utility service. Before moving forward with your building permit, it always a good idea to know what you want to do when it comes to these things because it can affect your costs and timeline.

·       Alberta New Home Warranty – Do you know what it is and why it is required? During this topic, we will review the application submission process.

·       Applying for Building Permit – This is another extensive process; therefore, we will look at this topic in multiple chapters. We need to discuss consultants, building requirements, and the overall submission process.

·       Finalizing Your Plans – Once you have received your building permit approval, your next move is to modify your drawings for pricing and distribution.

After we have covered the last topic, I will continue blogging about backyard suites, but this time I will be posting pictures of current projects during the construction phase. I want to document 2 active projects from the ground right up to possession. I am very excited to share this journey with you.
